Stopping the Bloom


Asthma and Respiratory illnesses can sometimes be avoided.

Did you know one of the major causes of the above health complications is growing mould in the home.

Tips on how to kill and prevent,

On hard surfaces: 1/4tsp oil of cloves(available from supermarket and pharmacies) mixed with 1Lt water, then sprayed on the mould.

On leather: 1/4tsp oil of cloves mized with 250ml baby oil. Apply 2 drops and wipe over leather.

Prevention in cupboards: Hang 6 sticks of chalk tied with ribbon in the cupboard to absorb moisture. When they become damp hang them outside to dry, then reuse.

On books: Lay a line of chalk sticks behind the books to absorb with moisture.

Posted on Monday, 24 September 2012
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