Nutrients that build immunity


As the days get warmer the chance of catching a cold may be decreasing but for those about to send their new bub to daycare for the first time, heading back to work or a trained event arising, a cold can sometimes get the better of us all.

I know when I get sick I often ask myslef, "Why me? What hav'nt I done?" Prevention is still the best medicine to ward off infection. With a strong immune system you will not only speed the recovery, but also become more resistant to contracting the infection in the first place.

Scale Back on Stress.

High levels of stress will have a negative impact on your immune system. B vitamins are know as the ''stress vitamins.' As we experience high levels of stress we use up all of our B stores. Being mostly water soluble vitamins we arn't able to store them in our bodies. Try a B complex high in B5 and B6 for suport.

Renew  you Digestive Health

Your immune system starts in your gut. We are faced with viruses on the outside that can enter through our mouth and eyes. Weighing up to 1Kg of baceteria is within the gut and as long as we keep the balance right this aids in the digestive balalnce we need to stay healthy. Poor food choices and bad lifestyle habits can inhibit the healthy bacteria balance. A probiotic supplement can give you the high levels of beneficial live bacteria you need in order to restore the friendly balance. The outcome  of the live bacteria will fortify the immune ststem to fight infections. This can also be taken during and after a course of antibiotics.

Super Foods for a Super Immunity.

We are often confronted by packet this, packet that and told to read the labels. What if it doesn't have a label? I always suggest to everyone, If your grandma didn't cook with it, don't touch it. My other concern is, are we getting our fresh produce fresh? How long does it take to get to us? I know Juice Plus publish the fact that every Fruit and Vegetable Capsule they make is nutrient tested for the content in every capsule. Picked and encapsulated within 24 hours vine-ripend fruit and veg only. Foods such as, Pomegranites, bluebeerries, mangosteen, bee pollen, chia seeds, golji berries, coconut oil, acai berries and cacao(raw chocolate) are nutrient dense with tremendous healing abilities. Try 1tsp of one of these in your next smoothie or even on your cereal.

Go Green.

The saying "Eat your greens" is still not old. Foods such as Alfalfa, wheat grass, spirulina and barley grass supply us with plant based nutrients to reboot the immune system. You should find them in the 'green' section of your health food store.

Natural Alternatives to give you a Booster.

Astragalus is used in chinese medicine for years known to strengthen the bodies Qi, the body's vital force. Along with several other potent herbs, these can reduce the chance of developing post viral fatigue.

Vitamin C in high doses can reduce the severity and speed recovery of a cold.

Fish Oil is more than you may think. Not only supporting the obvious, brain function, heart and joint health. The Omega-3 fatty acids also support immune function. I prefer a liquid form, flavored with lemon juice, mercury tested and organic for us and bub. 'Innate Choice Omega Sufficiency.' Ensure the fish oil you choose is of premium quality as most contain high levels of pollutants such as heavy metals.


Support By, Louise O'Connor, Naturopath.

Posted on Monday, 29 October 2012
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