Full Body Flexibility at Any Age


Guilty for only stretching when you tight or on pain?

Avoid crippling injuries and boost your performance levels – when you need it most…


Stretching guarantees your joints will be able to function optimally which means less wear and tear on your joints.


Decrease your chances of suffering short-term discomfort and long term injuries.


If you think you need to be as flexible as a Chinese gymnast or Spiderman to succeed, then don’t worry! Each sport requires different levels of flexibility and different muscle groups. Save yourself the time and only need to stretch what you need to. This way you will find yourself making more time to stretch - on a regular basis!


30 second stretch holds will improve joint and muscle mobility, whilst 10-15 seconds will help maintain your current flexibility levels.


Breathe into your stretches. 5 deep breathes usually lasts around 30 seconds so you can avoid counting and relax.


Measure your stretching capabilities, see your improvements and avoid over stretching.


Choose the right type of stretching for you. Sprinters and kick boxer's need alot of stretches inlcuding movement due to the level of explosiveness in the sports. On the other hand, a swimmer and runner requires long muscles for their sport with held relaxed stretching poses.


Need variety? Try ballistic(stretching with movement) stretching for a warm-up and static stretching for your cool-down? Example, forward leg swings for WU and Seated hamstring for CD.


PNF Stretching is a great way to trick the muscles into relaxing quickly.


Maintain healthy hip flexors for the rest of you career. They are one of those constantly tight muscles in the body, placed in a shortened position whenever you sit down. They are also very active when running, cycling and ab exercising. Unfortunately this can cause your pelvic trunk to tuck resulting in a sore back due to a lesser curve in your lumbar spine. Strengthen your core and add in a wide range of hip flexor stretches to your regular routine.

Posted on Monday, 22 October 2012
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