Balance is the Key


Unlock your inner health and truely enjoy everything about food.

What's the point in starting something you can't continue?

Is it worth the hassle losing 10Kg in 10 weeks or losing the 10Kg and keeping it off?

Are you really happy eating the limited foods you've been told is all you can eat?

I feel too many people these days are stuck on one particular food componant as they've been told they can't eat another and as a result they revert to following this new way of eating 110%. Ask yourself, Is it not possible to find other alternatives. After all nature provides us with a wide abundance of fruitful foods for one reason!

Dairy has been the one food componant known for it's high calcium content for many years. If we isolate cow dairy products in particular we are left with mucous producing enzyes at high levels and an inbalance in the gut(where digetstion and immune defence takes place.) It is not that cow's milk itself that is mucous producing, but instead the process in which it goes through by the time we eat and drink these products now they are highly modified. The calcium content for example in cows milk is extremely high, but after protein is added this deminishes the calcium absorption in the body. We are better off eating broccoili to increase calcium levels naturally. If only we could get it straight from the cow!

Soy is a commonly used plant based food component becoming more and more popular in many product. The difference is, generations ago soy based foods were 'original' non genetically modified foods known as Natto and Tempeh. Due to it's natural fermentation process, these products were fit for our guts. GMO dsomething, changes not only the way nature intended but as well the way our bodies recognise the food and distribute it safely. There is a chance that too much soy could interefere with our hormone levels.


Gluten is naturally occurring in most products containing wheat and sphelt. The unfortunate side is, that we eat gluten in almost every meal in Australia being so carbohydrate driven. An over abundance of gluten and wheat has a harsh effect on the gut and pressure on the liver. This can reslts in general stomach upset, bloating etc.....Ways you may feel are normal?

Simply by minimising the GMO foods in your diet and finding natural alternatives will ensure you lead a happier, healthier inner you. Feel the differerence, make the difference......


My favorite alternatives are:

Goats milk and cheese, Oat Milk, Nut butters, Miso, Tahini, Tamari, Gluten Free flours(unbleached and no additives) -Millet, Amaranth, Sago,Tapioca and Pure Maize Corn Flour Bon Soy and Tempeh.


With all the fad diets out there, it is hard to know what one is right and what ones are wrong. You have to be content following a routine that makes you happy and be able to continue it for a lifetime.

Consider any consequences, enjoy food and remember, It's not always about cutting things out, but instead minimising the intake of some and finding alternatives with others.

Make the supermarket and Kitchen your playground.

Posted on Monday, 15 October 2012
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