Meat Free Monday's


Obviously lean red meat is a nutritious part of our diet, rich in iron and the easiest form to absorb by the body but it is just as important to add other foods into out diets in order to find the right balance.

If you can put aside one day of the week as a meat-free option every week, you'll find yourselves getting in a much wider variety of dietry fibre which lowers your risk of heart disease.

Soy protein found in tofu, tempeh and endamame has been shown to lower 'bad' LDL cholseterol levels particularly if they are 1high to begin with.


Moroccan Chick Pea Cassarole

1 tsp olive oil

1 small onion

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground corinander

1/4 tsp cayenne pepper to taste

1/4 tsp curry powder

1 large sweet potato cut into equal sized cubes

400g tin tomatoes low salt

1/4 cup tomato sauce

145g raisins

Water, enough to cover

1 cup boiled dry chick peas

1/4 head cabbage chopped

1 1/2 fresh chopped coriander

Cous cous / brown rice to serve if not a carb-free night?


Add in pan garlic and onion until translucent, then add spices. Cook together until smell comes through. Add sweet potato, raisins and tin tomato.

Pour water to cover mixture, bring to the simmer and cook untill potato softens.

Add chick peas and cabbage, simmer till cabbage wilts.

Sprinkle fresh coriander and remove pot from heat.


Add tofu or tempeh for more protein and altenatives to meat.

Serves 4

Posted on Monday, 03 September 2012
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