Think Outside the Gym and Know When to Walk Away

Using your backyard to train can be more beneficial than slogging it out on the treadmill. The key is knowing when to push hard and when to stop.

Everything Michelle does - the equipement that's used, the workouts designed and the classes provided stems from the concept of training moves mimicking life and the sports you play. 

Just for a moment picture a baby learning how to move for the first time. They begin rolling, moving onto all fours, crawling, squating and then walking all with the combined effort of their arms, legs and core strength. Think outside the gym with your workouts too and use your imganination with your outdoor playground - the environment.

It's a great place to enjoy embracing every moment  and squash any excuses.

It can be overwhelming when your unsure how hard to push yourselves. The best advice I can give is listen to your body. Put the heart rate monitors, phones and fit bits away for a while and become intuative with your body- How do you feel? Go back to simple! Are you puffing but still able to talk?Your working out at 65-75% of your maxinmum heart rate or are you puffing, unable to chat but able to push on and challenge your fitness levels at 80%+. How are you physically and mentally reacting to your training demands without the unessesary distractions of technology?

Counting your steps and watching your heart rate increasing isn't going to do much for your training especially your mental satisfaction. Take the time to focus on YOU, your surrounds - how you can make the environment your playground. Escape with your favorite tunes and enjoy the highs and lows you experience during exercise and how your mind pushes through every obstacle. Becoming more intuitive with your body and optimise your training. This teaches you to push hard, knowing when to stop. Overdoing a single training session only leads to diminishing returns, so if your throwing up or passing out, your wasting your time and forcing the body into a deficit it won't recover from quickly.

Just remember that if your recovery is zero, your results will be zero because the harder or longer the workout, the longer the recovery you will need. You can't make enormous progress from one single training session it's a combination of what follows with all avenues in your regime. Nutrition for recovery, stretch for strength, time to self acknowledging strengths and weaknesses and how you can sucessfully move forwards. Deep tissue massage involves trigger point release of muscles under constant stress from general life and training demands, this can be also achieved with a massage ball and foam roller but with those hard to get places your unsure of, Remedial Massage is the key.

With the combination of these four services Michelle provides(Functional Fitness, Yoga, Pilates and Remedial Massage)

you are able to recover like you train and become stronger, fitter, faster.




Posted on Saturday, 22 April 2017
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