The best way to train for POWER is COMPOUND WO


Are you short of POWER IN YOUR SPORT?

Be it: Football, Swimming, Mud Runs or Running with your pram? The key to developing a powerful performance is unravelled.


Gone are the days where lap upon lap of the footy field and swimming pool are needed along with basic strength no longer being enough to boost the amount of explosive power and multi-directional movements.

This is a main reason why kettle-bell training has become so popular in fitness sessions. The movements similarly practiced in kettle-bell sessions can also be mimicked with dumbells and medicine balls. To another degree, even a fitball can also be used creatively to perform compound muscle workouts. This way of training is a quick and easy way to burn more calories faster, strengthen your 'Inner Core'  and build power across the entire body in one exercise alone.

Some athletes advocate 'Long-hard' training while others are in the 'Short-Sharp' camp. The revolutionary 'velocity specificity' approach I find is a more effective way of training for powerful results in all these athletes followed with quicker recovery and less exhaustion.

Combining the upper body with the lower bodies main muscle group worked in an exercise along with the automatic activation of the core whilst moving in an apprpriate direction will burn fat fasted and build more power much more effectively. Use a barbell squat opposed to forward moving jump squats with arms in streamline as one example. Go hard fore the given time frame, rest approprately in between sets and move to the next muscle group with water breaks in between.


YOUR RECOVERY during and after your sport is so important to you. Not only avoiding physical drainage but mental zapping too.

(EIMC) Exercise induced muscle cramping is one common and frustrating things to avoid in training and games. It is not yet proven what causes cramps but there are a number of factors that can prevent cramps whatever your age and physiognomy. Have you drunk enough water today and during your exercise? 2.2L/55Kg you weight plus anything you lose during exercise through sweating in and out of the water. Kep in mind the effects alcohol and teas/coffees can have as diuretics. Are you low in magnesium? High amounts of exercise places a large amount of stress on the body in may ways. Magnesium is required from the body constantly to lower muscle tension. You may need a supplement to avoid running stores low. Lastly - are you low in salt. This is last being the most uncommon as most people have more than anough salt in their diet without having to add more. If you are a BIG sweater, keep it in mind. STRETCH- Unless your hypermobile you can't stretch too much. Without stretch you cannot strengthen due to the muscle unable to completely lengthen and contract completely and efficiently. 30s+ a stretch will improve, any less will maintain.

Posted on Monday, 11 February 2013
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