Coconut Water


A single drink that can do more than water. It's magic.

Lose fat: The coconut water is different to the milk made from the coconut. The water is loose inside. When you shake a coconut you can hear it swoosh around. This is actually low in fat. Like water, drinking these fluids can make you feel fuller for longer and supress hunger when needed. Half the time we are actually not physically hungry. Ask yourself, is it a mental of physical hunger? Do I need to eat yet or do I need fluids?

Aid Digestion and Boost Your Metabolism: Losing fat walks hand-in-hand with digestion and metabolism. When these synchronise together you are alot closer to achieving you weightloss goals. Coconut water contains hydrating properties that tap water doesn't. The injured soldiers in world war 2 were given coconut water to replace electrolites in the body lost during battle. I feed it to my bub on really hot days. It was a great way to wean my bub from breastfeeds one by one gradually without the screaming and the worry of him lacking the water. Very low sodium and more potassium than the average sport drink.

Build You Immune System: With anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, coconut water can kill off viruses just like onion and garlic.

Low in Sugar: Rich in nutrients required by diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels balanced and also low in sugar itself, what a great alternative to water without the added calories and artificials.

Nature intended great things from food!


TRY my Coconut and Fruit Yoghurt Alternative -

Buy one young coconut, cut off the top, scoop out the soft coconut from the inside and place it in the blender with 4 organic sulfer-free prunes. Mix until well combined, scoop out and eat.

Great also for a bubs snack close to 1 year and over.

Posted on Friday, 21 December 2012
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