A-Z of a Healthier You



Alcohol in moderation. On a regular basis increases the chance of liver and hert disease.

Most importantly are alcohol FREE days.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Fill the meal with the most essential foods to kick start your mood. Try to combine protein, fruit and wholegrains.


Calories VS Kilojoules. Giving both the same thing - a food count. There are approx 4.18kj to every calorie.


Digestion and Bowel health can be easily tuned with the right diet. Many people suffer food intolerances simply bacuase they on't eat enough wholegrains, too many processed foods and not enough water. Cut the crap and make more room for the good stuff.


Eating around exercise is a perfect way to keep energy levels up, promote muscle recovery and stop the bad binge eating. If you eat within an hour after exercising you can not only burn the calories faster but also keep the bad food choices away by maintaining healthy glucose levels. 


Fruit and Veg has multiple health benefits. The gov suggest 2 & 5 as it is an achievable goal for Australians. The much healthier goal years back was actually 5 & 9. Lower your risk of cancer, chronic diseases and obesity. Juice Plus have encapsulated 17 fruit and veg in a vegetable capsule packed with goodness only 24hours after being picked. Eat what you can in a day and bridge the gap on a daily basis with Juice Plus Capsules. Prevent the onset of cancer. www.juiceplus.com.au


Green drinks will not only boost your immunity, they can replace reconstituted juices and coffee.


H2O. Water really is the perfect drink. Fill you day with herbal teas and water. No calories, no worries. Why do you need anything else?


Iron rich foods are essential. Try boosting your iron absorption foods as well as iron foods. Without these we can be left feeling very fatigued. Vit C foods paired with the iron rich foods.


Journal Keeping may sound crazy but alot of the time we think we are alot healthier than we really are. Let the book tell the story not your crazy craving mind. Then you can make foods choices on what you need not what you feel like.


know your portions. Alot of our weight problems can come from over eating. Why do you think lap bands work a treat. Their designed so that we only eat as much as our stomachs are sized to fit. When the lap bands pulled tight, you full. There's no over eating and over stretching the stomach.


Low fat animal products. There's nothing healthy about dairy and meat fat. It's the culprit for clogging our arteries.


Mono and Poly-unsaturated fats are the good ones. Replace saturated fats with avo, olive oil, sunflower and canola oils. Eat seeds and nuts regularly.


Nuts can sustain the feeling of fullness, build good fat levels in the body and mop up the bad fats.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids help reduce inflammation and help brain function. Choose oily fish such as Salmon and Sardines.


Protein with every meal helps fight off hunger. Try plant and animal sources. Legumes, tofu, quinoa and fish.


Quick but healthy dinners are important. We are a nation that loves takeaway but it's not doing our body any favours. Put aside only 15mins and make a book of easy, yummy 15min recipes to choose from and make it easy for yourself.


Read the labels and forget about the health claims on the front of the packet. Alot of the time they state what you want to hear on the front, grab your attention and it's bought. Take a second longer to read the ingredients. You'll be surprised with the numbers it may label in small print whilst in big print on the front it's "Artificial free...."


Salt and Sugar are the two naties to cut! Cut the waist, avoid diabetes and avoid high blood pressure. Try making everything at home most days of the week so you know what's in your foods.


Treats are best to keep that way. You don't give the dog or your kids treats or presents everyday let alone a few times a day so don't give them to yourself either. Save them for special occasions. Remember, there's good treats and bad treats.


Unprocessed foods. Processing most things alot of the time increases the sugar and salt and decreases the fruitful colors and whole goodness. Leave alone what nature intended!


Variety is the key to happiness. Happy mind, happy heart, happy body.Try eating 20 different foods a day.


Wholegrains are higher in fibre, protein and low Gi. Lose weight faster.


Xylitol and natural sweetners can replace added sugar. Stevia is another plant sweetner without the artificial additives to increase toxins in the body whilst lowering calorie intake.


Yo-yo dieting won't get you anywhere. Guilty of following a strict diet, losing kilos and kilos then putting it back on again? No diet will be kept forever, just healthy eating. Expert agree it's better and healthier to lose weight gradually over time.


Zinc for immunity along with Vitamin C. Red meat, seafood and yes again - wholegrains, nuts, tofu and legumes.

Posted on Monday, 05 November 2012
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