3-Day Healthy Eating Plan for bub and the kids.


What food I make my bub next is a question I ask myself everytime I enter the kitchen. Just like our food choices, it makes it hard sometimes when there as so many foods to choose from. This is why I always ask myself, “What do we need to eat, not what do I feel like.” Our food choices have an enormous impact on our ENERGY LEVELS, MOODS, SATIETY, IMMUNE SYSTEM AND HEALTH, BODY COMPOSITION.....the list goes on. This is why I believe our choice and food  preparation is so important.

I base my food choices on my bub’s, HUNGER LEVELS, BOWEL MOVEMENTS AND CONSISTENCY, WATER INTAKE AND HEALTH STATUS. Just like us when we do more exercise we require more frequent snacking than usual, as well our kids are constantly growing and their energy levels go beyond the energy you see them burn. I keep this into consideration when bub’s appetite changes. Bowel movements are so important in little bodies to ensure you keep things moving for them. High fibre fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and beans add water to the stool and keep up the motions in order to keep bub comfortable and frequent. Foods like red meat take a while to go through their little systems so keep them minimal in a week, try fresh deep sea fish as an easier digested meat protein source. Rehydration is vital in the stool to keep digestion fluent and their little bodies working properly. When temps are high, their on the run, in the heat or even a runny nose, water can aid dropping temperatures, replace lost fluid and thin out mucus.  I try and think outside the square with the use of herbal teas. Peppermint can soothe digestion, ginger will ease stomach upset and heat the chest/dry up the nose and sleepy teas can kick start a good night for a bad sleeper. Always read the label and check if the tea is safe for you and bub. Sometimes teas contain powerful combinations to heal but may not be safe for a pregnant mum for example.

Foods that I look out for are dairy and gluten. For this reason the following 3 day sample healthy eating plan for your kids includes GLUTEN FREE days, snacks and meals and other milk, yoghurt and cheese alternatives to cow dairy. I am a strong believer that the chain components in cow’s dairy cause more mucus production, harsh on the gut resulting in digestive issues, ear infections and much more. Gluten is also harsh on the digestive tract and ferments in the gut. The more we can spread gluten filled meals out the more successful our bodies will be at removing the waste efficiently without the bloated, painful side effects.

Alternatives such as sheep’s and goat’s products are another dairy suggestion but kinder on the digestive tract  Sheep’s is alot more sensitive again. Goat’s milk is also known as a heating mechanism food in TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDECINE aiding a wet chest, nose, throat if you still like to give your bub dairy everyday? Both goat’s and sheep’s products I believe are better alternatives to cow’s dairy either way. Rice and corn are also great gluten free alternatives. Refer to the book, “WELL ADJUSTED BABIES” for suggestions on when to incorporate certain foods into bub’s diet as they get to a certain age. There is strong evidence in suggesting, our little bodies develop over time and until they are strong enough and fully developed it is vital on our health and to avoid intolerances and allergies to avoid certain food components untill we reach that approximate age. This is practiced with gradual food introduction in small amounts, occasionally and in balance with a variety of other healthy food choices.

Enjoy the following HEALTHY KIDS 3-DAY FOOD PLAN SAMPLE and I hope you enjoyed the read. Remember to refer to the book “Well Adjusted Babies” for when to introduce certain foods and keep in mind not all food ideas may be right for your kids. High allergy foods like nuts and eggs should be carefully picked.



Breakfast: Over-night soaked oats with cinnamon and chia. Baby wheat-free oats(8m<)

Snack: Corn cruskit with sheep’s cheese and blueberries.

Lunch: Egg salad(mix salad leaves in a food processor to same consistency as tabouli)

Snack: Young coconut homemade prune puree (sulfer –free dried and seeded prunes)

Dinner: Slow cooked lamb and kumera.


Breakfast: Brown rice porridge with grated apple and brown rice milk.

Snack: LSA, sheep’s yoghurt and banana

Lunch: Homemade pesto  and chicken (corn)pasta.(Try basil, olive oil and almonds to make)

Snack: Peanut celery combo. (mix in food processor to same consistency as tabouli) Try almond and chia spread for (8m<) low allergenic.

Dinner: Tofu(non genetically modified) and vegetable frittata(bake)


Breakfast: Melted cheese on rye toast with grated pear on the side.

Snack: Coconut water(fresh from a coconut) with hommous  and steamed vegetable sticks.

Lunch: Pea and sweet potato soup(add bacon or ham off the bone as an optional choice)

Snack: Orange wedges and homemade almond meal biscuits.

Dinner: Homemade chicken breast and herb rissoles with yoghurt dipping sauce and garlic sautéed mushrooms.


Feel free to email me directly for help on meal plan ideas.

Posted on Thursday, 04 April 2013
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